1. JIN YIH SHYANG can be manufactured cross flow fan according customers specification from a diameter of 25mm to 150mm and a length of 50mm to 1150mm.
2. The aluminum made alloy cross fan is temperature resistant and has qualities of light in weight, low in noise, and minimum vibration high strength and long life.
3. The angle and the length of cross fan leaves are easily adjustable to adapt to any customers existing requirement.
4. The motor bearing of the ventilator is protected by a layer of grease, which would allow 15,000 hours of usage without regressing.
5. JIN YIH SHYANG cross flow fan is designed small in size with high efficiency.
6. The ventilator is especially suitable to incorporate with products that are light, thin and small.
1.本公司橫流扇之直徑從25mm至150mm,長度從50mm至1150mm均可製作,客戶可依所需選擇最適當之規格。 2.橫流扇使用鋁合金材質,重量輕、風量大、噪音低、高強度、低震動、耐溫佳、壽命長之優點。 3.橫流扇之角度及長度採用可調整設計,可依客戶所需配合開發及特性之設計變更。 4.送風機之馬達軸受使用保膜油,具免加油15000小時之壽命。 5.送風機採用小體積高效率之設計,特別適合輕、薄、小之產品使用。