Multifilament gill netting is made of three strands of nylon filament twisted together into a single strand of twine. It is stronger than monofilament netting. It is easier to see in clear water and is more limp, soft and less resistant to tangling which helps catch a greater size range of fish. It takes up less space on a boat and is easier to mend. Monofilament netting is made of a single clear strand of twine. It will not pick up as much trash or debris as multifilament netting can, fish can be picked out much more easily. This netting also does not soak up water as multifilament netting can, so it is lighter and easier to handle.
NOTE: monofilament gill netting is so effective that it is outlawed in some states; please contact your state fish and game department for laws governing your area.
1. Size: 210D/2~210D/72.
2. A gill net is a vertical wall of netting designed to catch fish of a specific size.