Min Jung Hong Inc.

Best Partner of Oil Industry


New Synthetic Lubricant for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (Agricultural Machinery)


  • Model No: MAX 15W/40
  • Factory Location: Taiwan
  • Sample Request: No
  • Target Markets: Worldwide

Detail Information

Description :

1. Specifications : 15W/40 API SM/CJ-4 ACEA E6, E7, E9-08, MB228.51
2. Description :
* Compliant with German Benz plant MB228.51; European ACEA E6, E7, E9-08 level. This lubricant is a type of environmental protection lubricant with low ash content. It can effectively protect and extend the life of the engine and the particulate filter, and reduce the exhaust of hazardous substance into the air.
* Containing supplement with high shear-resistance so the new type of high performance engine is able to give full scope to the highest horse power, and keep the horse power at the certain level without falling down during long-term driving. Extend the life cycle of the lubricant.

Specification :

Application :

  • High performance and high requirement of environmental protection diesel engine, especially for the new common rail fuel injection system diesel engine, and mid to heavy duty diesel engine with DPD, DOC and DPF diesel particulate filter system.

SpecificationsFlash point °CFlow point °CViscosityVITBN mg koh/gAPI Classification
40 °C100 °C
SAE 15W/40235-30°C112.5161527.6CI-4

Min Jung Hong Inc.

  • Taiwan
  • No. 39, Tou Kung 6 Rd., Industrial Area, Touliu City, Yun Lin Hsien 640, Taiwan
  • 886-5-5576016
  • 886-5-5576015
  • Offline
  • 656973211