Min Jung Hong Inc.

Best Partner of Oil Industry


New Automotive Power Steering Fluid


  • Model No: N/A
  • Factory Location: Taiwan
  • Sample Request: No
  • Target Markets: Worldwide

Detail Information

Description :

* Instead of normal ATF, this is newly designed for highly responsive and speedy and trustable transmission power.
* Outstanding viscosity stability and high pressure resistant and oxidation resistant.
* Containing protectant for rubber pad. Not damaging oil seal even when operating under thermal environment. Able to stop old power steering system from leaking.

Specification :

This product is compliant with the requirement from the following car manufacturers :

  • GM 9985010,9985835.Chrysler MS 1872,5931F.Ford M2C138-CJ Ford N2C33-F,M2C128-C,M2C128-D.Acura/Honda PN 08206-9002 PE Audi PN G002000.Mercedes Benz PN 00 989 8803.Saab PN 30 09 800 Subaru PN K0Z09A0080

SpecificationsFlash point °CFlow point °CViscosityVIColor
40 °C100 °C

Min Jung Hong Inc.

  • Taiwan
  • No. 39, Tou Kung 6 Rd., Industrial Area, Touliu City, Yun Lin Hsien 640, Taiwan
  • 886-5-5576016
  • 886-5-5576015
  • Offline
  • 656973211