Min Jung Hong Inc.

Best Partner of Oil Industry


High-Performance Four-Stroke Motorcycle Lubricants


  • Model No: 10W/40
  • Factory Location: Taiwan
  • Sample Request: No
  • Target Markets: Worldwide

Detail Information

Description :

1. Specifications : SUPER 4T SAE 10W/40 SL JASO MA
2. Features : Compliant with the highest level regulation SL/CL in API American Petroleum Institution.
3. Description :
* Suitable for the most advanced turbo charging engine with high horse power and multi valves.
* Strong oily slick structure. Quick start at low temperature. Give full scope to lubrication within a very short time.
* Outstanding wear-resistant capability. Avoid the generation of carbon deposition.
* Effectively protect engine and extend the life cycle of oil.

Specification :

  • Specially designed for engine structure used in new automobile models so that in give full scope to the best engine performance.  Can be used for new and old models.
  • Suitable for gasoline and diesel engines with turbo charge, fuel injection, multi valve and computer-controlled for new automobile models in Europe, America and most of the Japanese brand.

SpecificationsFlash point °CFlowing Point °CViscosityVITBN mg koh/gAPI Classification
40 °C100 °C
SAE 10W/40232-35 °C9614.81616.5SJ

Min Jung Hong Inc.

  • Taiwan
  • No. 39, Tou Kung 6 Rd., Industrial Area, Touliu City, Yun Lin Hsien 640, Taiwan
  • 886-5-5576016
  • 886-5-5576015
  • Offline
  • 656973211