It's a capacitor used in high voltage charge-discharge, also have many purposes like used in electronic ignition, gas stave, water heater, motorcycle, stun gun, etc. Our proud production-CDI. It's a capacitor used in high voltage charge-discharge, also have many purposes like used in electronic ignition, gas stave, water heater, motorcycle, stun gun¡K, etc. Description of CDI.
1. Temp rang: -25°C~ +125°C. 2. Rated voltage: 400VDC.800VDC, 600VDC 3. Capacitance range: 0.33, 0.56, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.2, 3.3uf. 4. Capacitance tolerance: 10% (k). 5. Dissipation factor: 0.6max (25°C 1 kHz). 6. Withstand voltage: between terminals¡j600VDC 1minute. 7. Insulation resistance: 3000m min (25°C DC100v 2miniute). 8. Withstand voltage: metallized polyester, tape wrapped, epoxy resin filled.