1. High performance GPS active antenna in magnetic base.
2. Noise figure: 1.5dB maximum.
3. Out band attenuation: 30dB minimum, fo +/- 50MHz (fo=1575.42MHz).
4. Output VSWR: 2.0dB maximum.
5. Voltage: 3.3 to 5.5V.
6. Current: 25mA maximum.
1. Application: applies for antenna units which is used with an engine for automobiles. 2. Appearance: antenna unit (with connector and cable: refer to an attached drawing). 3. Dimensions: 47.0 x 45.4 x 14.4mm. 4. Weight: 60g. 5. Color: black. 6. Operating condition: (1) Temperature: -30 to + 80 degrees Celsius. (2) Humidity: 40 to 95% RH. 7. Storage condition: (1) Temperature: -40 to +85 degrees Celsius. (2) Humidity: 40 to 95% RH. 8. Output terminal: (1) Connector: MCX (optional: BNC, TNC, SMA, SMB). (2) Cable: RG-174: 2000mm (+/-100). (3) Cable color: black. 9. Electrical specification: (1) All values are defined at 25 degrees Celsius (+/-15), 65% RH (+/-20) unless otherwise noted. (2) Antenna characteristics are measured with 70 x 70mm ground plane in an anechoic chamber. 10. GPS antenna. 11. Center frequency: 1575.42MHz (+/- 1.023). 12. Bandwidth: 2MHz minimum. 13. Gain at zenith: 3.0dBi minimum. 14. Gain at 10o elevation: -3.0dBi minimum. 15. Polarization: RHCP. 16. Axial ratio: 3.0dB maximum. 17. Center frequency: 1575.42MHz (+/-1.023). 18. Gain: 27dB minimum.