6-burner S/steel hooded gas BBQ W/Cabinet trolley & back infra-burner:
1. S/steel main body, side tables& cabinet trolley.
2. S/steel hood W/Powder coated cast alum. Side-panels.
3. Porcelain finished cast iron hot plate and cooking grid.
4. Side-burner & Infra-Burner.
5. B/O continuous ignition system.
1. Cast iron hot-plate and cooking grid: 400 x 484 (mm). 2. S/Steel burners x 6, Rating: 72,000 BTU. 3. 12,000 BTU back infra-burner. 4. 10,500 BTU steel side-burner (3.50KW).
1. Have ceramic back infra-burner.
2. Galvanized steel drip tray.