1. The IR-530P PRIMO is a cost effective passive infrared detector with state-of-the-art pet immunity technology. Utilizing IR-TEC's
Target Size Verification technology, this detector is able to immune the motions created by domestic pet up to 18 Kg.
The IR-530P gives every security professional the edges over the competition with IR-TEC's globally renowned expertise in infrared sensing technology.
2. For the system that requires reliable intrusion detection with pet immunity, IR-530P is an ideal choice.
1. Power supply: 9~16 VDC, 12 VDC typical. 2. Current drain: 10 mA, 12 VDC. 3. Infared sensor: dual element. 4. Alarm output: NC / NO, 30 VDC, 0.2Amax. 5. Alarm period: 20.5 sec. 6. Pulse count: 2 / 3 selectable. 7. Detection range: 100,12x12m at 25C. 8. Tamper switch: N.C cover open activates. 9. Walk test LED Red, can be disabled. 10. RFI immunity: Ave. 20V/m (10~1000 MHz). 11. Detectable speed: 0.3 ~ 1.5m/sec. 12. Mounting height: 2.2 m typical. 13. Humidity: 95% RH maximum. 14. Temperature: -20C ~ 60C (4F ~140F). 15. Dimensions: 100 x 60 x 40 mm.
1. Target Size Verification (TSV) technology.
2. Superior RFI and EMI immunity.
3. Temperature compensation.
4. Noise reduction circuit.
5. Sealed optics protection.
6. Disabled walk test LED.
7. Ultra wide wiring space.
8. Selectable pulse count.
9. NC/NO selectable alarm output.
10. Up to 18 kgs pet immunity detection.