1. Descriptions:
(1) The KW1-5001XXX series is a lager 126.5 mm (5.0") high seven segments display designed for viewing distances up to 7 meters.
(2) These displays provide excellent reliability in bright ambient light.
(3) These devices are made with white segments and black surface.
2. Features:
(1) 5.0″ (inch) digit height.
(2) Excellent segment uniformity.
(3) Sold state reliability.
(4) Industrial standard size.
(5) Low power consumption.
(6) The product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version.
3. Applications:
(1) Audio equipment.
(2) Instrument panels.
(3) Digital read out display.
1. Model No.: KW1-5001ASB. (1) Chip material: GaAlAs. (2) Source color: super bright red. (3) Description: common anode. 2. Model No.: KW1-5001CSB. (1) Chip material: GaAlAs. (2) Source color: super bright red. (3) Description: common cathode. 3. Luminous intensity: 18.0 mcd. 4. Peak emission wavelength: 660nm. 5. Dominant wavelength: 640nm. 6. Forward voltage: 18.0V.
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