1. High count yarn of 50 to 600 denier for high grade clothing and decoration fabrics.
2. Related end uses: ladies wear ; thin and thickfabrics pants and jacket fabrics; carding and pilling fabrics; stockings;
casual wears.
1. Polyester: (1) SD: 50/72, 50/144, 75/72, 75/96, 75/144, 100/144, 100/288, 150/96, 150/144, 150/192, 150/288, 200/288, 300/192, 300/288, 300/384, 400/576. (2) FD: 50/72, 75/72, 150/144. 2. Nylon 6: 40/12/1, 40/12/2, 50/12/1, 70/24/1, 70/24/2, 70/48/1, 70/48/2, 70/72/1, 70/72/2, 100/24/1, 100/24/2.