Yeu Chueh Industry Co., Ltd.

Manfuacturer of Industiral Tubing Supply.


Hydroforming Seatposts For Motorcycles And Bicycles

bicycle seat post

  • Model No: P4056PM/P4066PM
  • Factory Location: Taiwan
  • Sample Request: No
  • Target Markets: Worldwide

Detail Information

Description :

Hydroforming seatposts for motorcycles & bicycles:
PMT H.F. seatpost is constructed from tough 6061-T6 alloy. The 6061 forged clamp is forged for strength and CNC machined for tolerance.

Specification :

1. Model: P4056PM-350mm x 27.2.

2. P4066PM-350mm x 31.6.

3. Materials: 6061 Alloy.

4. Finish: shot-peen / high-polish, BLK / SIL anodized.

5. Weight: 260 grams.

Yeu Chueh Industry Co., Ltd.

  • Taiwan