SK fire protection plastering expanded metal lath:
The system is functionally suitable for steel structure fire protection. Expanded metal lath provides joints for steel beam and steel stanchion to form a background for application of plaster. When plastering or spraying is being carried out, the rough face of metal lath provides key way for adhering and continuity of finish, It's also very effective on cost and time saving.
1.P roducts reference: (SKM22G~SKM30G). 2. Thickness: 0.4mm~0.8mm. 3. Weight(10%): 0.9~1.8 Kg/m2. 4. Sheet size: 2440 x 610/2440 x 1220(mm). 5. Recommended applications: partitioning, 2~4 hous fire. 6. Background plaster, landscape junction between dissimilar materials.
All SK products made from galvanized steel plate comply with specification BS EN10142: 1991-FeP02G, AZ275, AASTM-A525, AJIS G3302.
fire protection specification for 2-hour Fire Rating to a stanchion and beam.
Steel stanchion and beam (H/I type) encased with SKM24G, fixed by galvanized nail, self-tapping screw, spot welding or galvanized wire, then to receive 19mm~25mm thickness of fireproofing plaster and angle beads SK50 to arrises. (the final thickness and hence number of coats being dependen upon the fire rating required) Please refer to the attached figure.