DVB-3000 QAM modulator is used for CATV digital system to convert signal to digital output.
1. Full compliance with DVB-C ETSI / EN300 429. 2. Input TS (MPEG2 SPTS or MPTS) interface. 3. ASI: 188 or 204 byte packet length auto-detection; DS3 (Optional). 4. Input TS available bit rate: 160Mbps. 5. Energy diffusion: yes. 6. FEC decoder reed Solomon: (204, 188). 7. Error vector magnitude: (EVM) 2%. 8. Bit error ratio: (BER) 9 X 10-9 (256QAM). 9. De-interleaving: I (12, 17). 10. Rolling off factor: 0.25 or 0.35. 11. QAM constellations: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256QAM. 12. Output symbol rate: 1.1~7.0MS/s. 13. I/Q amplitude deviation: 0.2%. 14. I/Q phase deviation: 0.2°. 15. Phase jitter: 0.5°RMS.