Control Optics Taiwan Inc.

A Professional Manufacturer of Optical Lenses and Components in Taiwan


Neutral Density Filters

neutral density filter

  • Model No: N/A
  • Factory Location: Taiwan
  • Sample Request: No
  • Target Markets: Worldwide

Detail Information

Description :

Neutral density (ND) filters have a constant attenuation across the range of visible wavelengths, and are used to reduce the intensity of light by reflecting or absorbing a portion of it. They are specified by the optical density (OD) of the filter, which is the negative of the common logarithm of the transmission coefficient. They are useful for making photographic exposures longer. A practical example is making a waterfall look blurry when it is photographed in bright light. Alternatively, the photographer might want to use a larger aperture (so as to limit the depth of field); adding an ND filter permits this. ND filters can be reflective (in which case they look like partially-reflective mirrors) or absorptive (appearing grey or black).

Specification :

OEM and ODM are accepted.

Control Optics Taiwan Inc.

  • Taiwan
  • No.106, Ln. 460, Nanshi Sec. 2, Zhongfeng Rd., Pingzhen Dist., Taoyuan City 32472, Taiwan
  • 886-3-4397102
  • 886-3-4399979
  • Offline
  • 656010910