1. Refer to drawing (rear side of this instruction).
2. Put the locking nut and washer onto the ground plane radials, then screw the three radials(part #7) into threaded holes on the metal antenna base(part #6) and tighten them by fingers. Secure the radials by tightening locking nuts with wrench.
3. Secure supporting pipe (part #11) to mounting pole (not included) in desired location using brackets (part #13), U-bolts (part #12), locking screws (part #8), locking washers (part #9),and locking nuts(part #10) supplied. Tighten them securely with a wrench or screw driver.
4. Run up the cable from radio through supporting pipe (part #11) and screw PL-259 on cable end tightly onto SO-239 connector at the bottom of antenna. Assemble antenna into support pipe with open threaded hole turned so that it will align with hole on support pipe for locking screw. Screw the locking screw into hole and tighten it securely with wrench or screw driver.