textile products, polyester viscose blended yarn, spin yarn, pure staple yarn , T spun yarn, R spun yarn, synthetic yarn, nylon, synthetic filament yarn, PET reclaim polyester yarn, Sancel, LOYCELL, polyester blended with viscose, cotton yarn, far infrared ray yarn, far infrared ray fiber products, flame resistance yarn, antibacterial yarn, SAN SAFE yarn, nano silver in polyester yarn , silver anion polyester yarn, weave, cross weaving, twill weave, canvas, T/C canvas, multiply canvas, T/N canvas, N/N canvas, grey cloth, jackets, coats,polyester/cotton blend canvas, synthetic Fabric, cross weaving Fabric, knitting weaving Fabric, polyester Fabric, cotton Fabric, check Fabric, gabardine and gingham, stripe Fabric, nylon Fabric, nylon lycra, yarn creel,viscose Fabric, reclaim Fabric, flame resistant...