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  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    各種機械工具、氣動工具、電動工具、汽車修護工具及手工具- 氣門挺桿、棘輪套筒扳手、扭力扳手、磁力起子、鑿子、打釘槍、打糊槍(膠槍)、剝線鉗、壓著工具、電纜壓線鉗、衝擊扳鉗、氣動套筒等。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    (1) 冷氣冷凍設備&零配件 (2) 冷氣冷凍錶組 (3) 冷氣冷凍維修工具 (4) 五金工具 (5) 汽修測試工具
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    扳手製造商,扳手供應商,工業工作台製造商,氣動工具供應商,氣動工具製造商,汽車工具供應商,汽車維修工具供應商,套筒組供應商,套筒組製造商,衝擊扳手供應商,氣動衝擊扳手製造商,工具手推車製造商, 棘輪手柄製造商,內軸承拉拔器供應商,軸承拉拔器製造商
Information of Torque Wrench

A torque wrench is a tool used to precisely apply a specific torque to a fastener such as a nut or bolt. It is usually in the form of a socket wrench with special internal mechanisms. A torque wrench is used where the tightness of screws and bolts is crucial. It allows the operator to measure the torque applied to the fastener so it can be matched to the specifications. This permits proper tension and loading of all parts. A torque wrench indirectly measures torque as a proxy for bolt tension. The technique suffers from inaccuracy due to inconsistent or uncalibrated friction between the fastener and its mating hole. Measuring bolt tension (bolt stretch) is more accurate but often torque is the only practical means of measurement. Welcome to the premier industrial resource for Torque Wrenches, All manufacturers are recommended by

source: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia




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