Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    (1) 化妝用品&美容用品- 化妝用刷子、假睫毛、睫毛刷、睫毛梳、指甲夾、鑷子、唇筆、剃刀、海綿指甲銼、化妝包。 (2) 浴室配件- 鏡子、梳子、海綿、沐浴球、淋浴帽、空瓶容器。 (3) 美髮工具- 摺疊梳、梳子。 (4) 家庭用品- 指甲剪、小剪刀、挖耳棒、盤墊。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    1. 粉刺、擠青春痘專業用手工具(粉刺夾鑷子型)。 2. 化粧品配件:以鑷子、美容用粉刺夾(鑷子型)各型青春痘棒手工具、專業用耳刀為大宗、青春痘處理器、耳扒、鑷子、眉毛夾及各式修容組合之配件。 3. 皮雕、紙黏土用手工具、醫療用、鎖匠用鑷子/各式運動輔具、可攜式精密吊秤。
What is an Eyelash Curler?

An Eyelash Curler is what it sounds like a device used to give the eyelashes a more curled appearance. An eyelash curler is typically only used on the top lashes. There are two main types of eyelash curler: the conventional kind and the newer heated eyelash curler. The traditional eyelash curler model resembles scissor handles at one end and has a curved curler at the other end. Metal eyelash curlers are the sturdiest and best, and not significantly more expensive than plastic models. The curling end has replaceable rubber pads so that the delicate lashes are not in direct contact with metal. The curler should be positioned around the eyelashes near the roots, then the handles are squeezed to close the curler. Close the curler slowly to avoid pinching the eyelid. The eyelash curler should be held in the closed position for ten to 30 seconds on each eye to ensure that the lashes maintain the curl. A newer type of eyelash curler features its own heat source. Some heated eyelash curlers are much like traditional curlers, but use battery or AC power to warm up the rubber pad before use, leaving the rest of the curler cool. Many of these eyelash curlers also feature rubber pads that change color when they have reached the ideal temperature. A different heated eyelash curler model requires no clamping, but instead uses a small heated brush to curl the eyelashes. Simply run the heated brush from the base of the lashes to the tip, working from the center of the eye out to the edges. B2BManufactures.Com offers listing of Taiwan & China Eye Lash Curler manufacturers, suppliers with explicit company profiles, product categories & product images. Global buyers could send inquires online.

source: Clear Answers for Common Questions




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