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    腳踏車、自行車及輪椅的專業製造商- 獨輪車、折疊車、登山車、跑車、城市車、童車、表演車BMX、賽車用自行車、小型自行車、都會用自行車、登山用自行車(MTB)、摺疊式自行車、輪椅、海灘用自行車、單輪自行等各種自行車生產與組裝以及腳踏車零件/配件,供應自行車市場需求。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    發動機 ( 引擎) 曲軸 ( 機軸)。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    各種碳纖維腳踏車及摩托車零件- 1. 自行車零配件系列:車架、公路/登山車手把、平手把、人體工學小彎把、競速手把、龍頭、齒盤/輪組、座管、墊圈、剎車握把、手把豎管、快拆心軸、座墊、前叉、避震器、花鼓、踏板、變速/煞車系統零件、曲柄、五通軸心、鋁製輪框組、水壺架等。 1. 摩托車零配件系列:煞車把手、前差三角固定座、車把、快拆式前後輪檔泥板、防護手罩、油箱蓋、舉昇架、停車架、駕道、維修改裝配件等。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )

Standard Suppliers

How to choose Bike Parts?


1. Bike Type.

If you already know you want a mountain bike, or a road bike, or what have you, skip to #2. If you still don’t know what type of bike to buy here are some questions to ask yourself:

● Are you buying a bike to ride with your friends? Then buy the same type of bike. If your friends ride road, buy road, if they ride mountain, buy mountain. Don’t buy a hybrid to try to ride with friends on road bikes.

● Do you have access to mountain bike trails or great road riding? Do you prefer to be out in nature, or do you like to be on the road?

● Will you use your bike for errands and commuting? A road bike would be desirable. If all you will do is commute, you can look at hybrids and townies as well, especially if you prefer to ride in normal apparel.

● Are you planning on riding in a charity ride? Then a road bike is most likely the best choice (unless it’s a mountain bike ride of course!)

● “I want to do triathlons.” That is fine and good. Buy a road bike. A time trial bike will be useful in only a triathlon and you can’t go on group rides with one (the narrow bars and precarious brakes make it dangerous to ride in close proximity to others). Get a road bike first, TT bike later. that way you can ride with people and have options.

2. Fit.

Fit should be the number one consideration. A bike too large will be too difficult to handle. A bike that does not fit you will cause myriad of issues from neck pain, knee pain, back pain and so on. A proper fit is the number one consideration.

3. Weight.

No doubt, the more expensive the bike, the less it is going to weigh. When making your decision, be sure to consider your weight to bike weight ratio. If you weigh 125 pounds and your bike weighs 25 pounds, that is 25% of your body weight. If you are riding with a male who weighs 175 pounds and his bike weighs 20 pounds, his bike is 11% of his body weight. The weight of your bike is important. Parts are one component, wheels are a major component, however the frame is the thing. High end carbon frames for women are lighter than the men’s versions and a perfect choice. For road bikes, look for something around 17 pounds and definitely under 20. For mountain, 20 pounds is good, while under 23 for full suspension should be available to you. Of course, the lighter the better, and if budget is of no concern, you can always replace heavy parts (bottom brackets and cranks, stems, bars and wheels are usually big culprits on women’s bikes).

4. Materials.

Titanium, aluminum, carbon, steel and so on. If you want Ti, choose a custom frame. When choosing a custom frame, be sure you have been riding long enough to know how the bike should fit. Many times clients dive right in to a custom frame before their bodies have adapted to cycling, and they outgrow the frame too soon.

Aluminum is light enough, and with today’s technology has become much smoother amongst the bumps. However, it is heavier than carbon. Will it outlast carbon? Probably. Value? High.

Carbon is the smoothest and the lightest frame material. I would choose a carbon bike any day of the week. The first carbon hardtail I had the chance to ride was light, stiff and faster on the downhills than most aluminum dual suspension bikes. I love carbon for its weight and handling.

Steel is of course a classic material. For a beautiful handmade one of a kind bike, steel is the ultimate material.

When it comes to choosing your material you have to decide: custom (ti, steel) or stock (carbon, aluminum)?; price is no issue (Ti, carbon, steel) or budget (aluminum, steel)? If price is not an issue, you obviously have free rein to decide which features you prefer in a bike frame.

source: MtbChick: Everything about Cycling.




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