Golden Suppliers

Standard Suppliers

  • 北京卓良模板有限公司

    各种脚手架系统、梁模板系统、 悬臂模板系统、平台挂架系统、 爬架升模板系统、桥梁专用模板系统、楼板模板系统、墙柱模板系统、地下工程专用模板系统。
  • 常州市越洋机械有限公司

  • 郴州赛门金属制品有限公司

  • 海城市兴达模板脚手架工程有限公司

  • 临沂市强盛工具有限公司

  • 日照丰华脚手架有限公司

  • 无锡市世泰脚手架有限公司

  • 无锡双欢重工制造有限公司

Information of Scaffolding Equipment & Construction Scaffolding

Scaffolding Equipment is a temporary structure used to support people and material in the construction or repair of buildings and other large structures. To provide stability for a scaffolding framework ties are generally fixed to the adjacent building/fabric/steelwork. The basic materials are tubes, couplers and boards. Tubes are either steel or aluminium, although composite scaffolding uses filament wound tubes of glass fibre in a nylon or polyester matrix. Boards provide a working surface for users of the scaffold. The board ends are protected by metal plates called hoop irons or sometimes nail plates. Couplers are the fittings which hold the tubes together. The most common are called scaffold couplers, there are three basic types: right-angle couplers, putlog couplers and swivel couplers. Other common materials lnclude base plates, ladders, ropes, anchor ties, reveal ties, gin wheels, sheeting, etc. B2BManufactures.Com offers listing of Taiwan & China Scaffolding Manufacturers, suppliers with explicit company profiles, product categories & product images. Global buyers could send inquires online.

source: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia




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