Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    塑膠卡片、信用卡(Visa MasterCard 及美國運通卡)、智慧卡(記憶、VOP及Multos卡)、金融卡、刮刮樂卡、各式各樣的塑膠卡)、薄膜按鍵開關、單層線路、雙層線路、平面式、沖凸式薄膜按鍵開關、銘板、塑膠、金屬、鋁鑄、3D立體金屬銘板、個人化服務、磁帶卡、IC信用卡及一般IC卡、ID卡。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    (1)PET 氟素離型膜 ( 本公司可同時生產双面氟素膜 ) 。(2)硅膠塗佈PET兩層保護膜保護 LCD TV , NB , Mobile phone。(3)硅膠塗佈PET三層不防刮保護膜保護 LCD TV, NB, Mobile phone。(4)三層抗刮 PET 保護膜( anti scratch protective film )保護、PDA、手機屏幕。(5)抗眩 PET 保護膜( anti-glare protective film ) for 3G, 3.5G手機。(6)高質量 硅膠塗佈 PET 離型膜、絕無彩虹、無殘膠(本公司可同時生產双面塗佈離型膜 )。(7)遮光片( no coating black & white sheltering film ),手機按鍵底下背光膜。(8)亞克力膠黑白膜 ( PMMA adhesive coated sheltering film ) , 手機上蓋背光膜。(9)矽 (珪) 膠緩衝片Silicone cushion pad (To Bended Specially For LCD TV and monitors )耐水解,耐候佳 . 專門用來取代某國代知名品牌PU發泡緩衝片。.可做墊片緩衝片以及止滑墊 .是電子光電產業以及建築業之絕佳輔材。(10)雙面膠 (Acrylic Double sided adhesive) .用在觸控面板與薄膜按鍵。(11)導電膠 (Conductive transfer Tape for high end market)(12)光學膠 Optical adhesive(specially for touch panels ITO bonding).透光率 99.9% 以上, 是未來至少二十年與ITO觸空面板是最熱門兩大產品, 是電阻與電溶式ITO 觸控面板之最佳膠粘劑。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    各式RO純水機組、RO濾材、RO零件與配件、飲水機、淨水器、過濾器、紫外線殺菌燈、飲水設備、中央系統飲水設備、日本電解水生成器、O3 空氣臭氧機。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturer & Supplier )
    1. 軟性印刷電路板優點包含:輕、薄、耐彎折等優點,符合高規格要求,使用多種的材料組合與搭配,以達到多層板結構,應應各種產品使用上的要求。(flexible printed circuit) 2. 薄膜按鍵開關是一種具有獨特外觀設計的導電開關,藉由多種不同設計與結構組合,可符合各種行業的需求。多應用於:AI產品、遙控器、醫療儀器、家用電器、掌上儀器、工業電腦等等。(Membrane switch) 3. 數位式、四線式與五線式觸控面版,依據您的使用環境不同而進行選擇,類比式觸控面版,標準尺寸由2.8”~20”應有盡有,讓您省下一筆模具費用,可應用於:個人數位助理、個人電腦、家用電器、掌上儀器、工業電腦、POS系統、公共資訊站、汽車導航系統、遊戲機..等等。(Touch panel) 4. 15”~20”觸控螢幕是人與機器可直接溝通的最好介面,讓您的產品價值提昇。配合五線式觸控面版,讓您的使用環境更廣,產品壽命更久,多應用於:家用電器、掌上儀器、工業電腦、POS系統、公共資訊站、公共購票機、汽車導航系統、遊戲機等等。(touch monitor) 5. TOUCH KIT包含控製器及驅動軟體,時下最新的作業系統皆適用,透過各種不同的介面RS232/USB/PS2,讓使用者更容易使用、組裝。(controller) 6. 橡膠開關特殊的手感與質感,讓觸感更提昇,藉由多種不同設計與結構組合,可符合各種產品的需求。多應用於:AI產品、遙控器、家用電器、掌上儀器..等等。(Silicon rubber keypad)
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    生產製造薄膜按鍵開關、觸控式面版、觸控式螢幕、橡膠按鍵開關、模內裝飾射出、軟性印刷電路板、FPC 生產製造、客製FPC、客製觸空面版、客製軟版、客製軟性印刷電路板 、客製橡膠按鍵開關、客製薄膜按鍵開關、客製薄膜、客製開關、客製Keypad、客製薄膜按鍵、客製薄膜開關、客製觸控開關、客製觸控薄膜開關、客製觸控式開關、客製觸控式薄膜、觸控式薄膜按鍵、觸控式按鍵開關、觸控式薄膜按鍵開關。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    專提供(1) RO逆滲透過濾水機、桌上型水機、簡易過濾機及三溫冷熱引水機。(2) 各式濾心、膜、濾殼、及過濾耗材。(3) 周邊配件包括儲水壓力桶、額景、馬達、變壓器、高低壓、四面閥、球閥、一般接頭、快速接頭、各尺寸吊片、膠管及測驗筆。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    專業製造各類橡(塑)膠製品: 矽膠按鍵、塑膠加橡膠按鍵、手機按鍵、數位相機按鍵、導電按鍵、點膠導電按鍵、噴塗和雷射雕刻導電按鍵、標準電話字鍵、汽車要鑰匙遙控按鍵、薄膜按鍵、銘版標牌 軟性銅箔線路焊接任何零件及組合面板、P. C. B. 組裝彈片及面板(如:PDA面板、ADSL調製解調器、網卡、電腦機箱面板、無線網卡、軟性電路版)、觸摸線路版手機橡膠配件、矽膠護套(適用於MP3、MP4、PDA、手機、數位相機... 各種電子產品)、高耐磨導電橡皮、導電條、矽膠手環、矽膠筆套、調頻器專用產品軸承、密封墊圈、油封、線套、螺絲製品、各類防水橡膠、耐油、精密零件防震、導熱、傳動、吸音、防水、耐油性等橡膠製品、斑馬條導電橡膠、高耐磨導電橡皮、超絕緣橡膠、精密矽膠橡膠塑膠零件、O環防水圈、電腦等高科技配件、各種背膠自黏式橡膠腳墊、螺絲固定式橡膠腳墊、潛水、衛浴、封口機、熱水瓶、抽水機、運動器材等各種矽膠橡膠等產品設計生產製造、橡膠+塑膠+金屬接合產品、矽膠包鐵、橡膠滾輪、各種矽膠橡膠.管.條.板、IC晶圓廠製程用之特殊橡膠、矽橡膠套管、運動器材小車輪、栓塞、聽塞、迫緊、麥克風套、插座、電線插頭、轉接頭、襯套、傢俱用套圈、間隔物、旋鈕、蓋子、釘頭、緩衝器、插梢墊、小車輪、CD墊、墊片、工業用零件、特殊規格零件、醫療設備零件、汽、機車零件、電子零件、電氣零件、電機零件、電梯設備零件、泵浦零件、機械零件、半導體零件、家庭五金零件、模具開發設計與製造。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )

Standard Suppliers

  • 新巨企業股份有限公司

  • 金利橡膠股份有限公司

  • 慈溪市薄膜开关厂

  • 嘉尼電子有限公司

  • 广州恒利达电路有限公司

  • 厦门昕辉电子有限公司

  • 厦门溢洲进出口有限公司

Basic Information about Membrane Switches

Most industries utilize membrane-switches since they are very easy to operate. They are ideally contact switches that have replaced the mechanical switches due to the fact that they save a lot of printed circuit board space.

Most industries utilize membrane-switches since they are very easy to operate. They are ideally contact switches that have replaced the mechanical switches due to the fact that they save a lot of printed circuit board space. There are numerous features that make up a membrane switch. To start with, they operate momentarily. When the switch is released the poles separate and the loosening membrane returns to position. These poles must be in direct contact with one another for the switches to work. Additionally, you are only required to utilize low voltage sources when using membrane-switches.

There are different uses of these switches. The most common application is in membrane keypads. These types of keypads contain symbols or letters imprinted on a flexible surface. These membrane keypads, which are also known as pressure pads are quite popular due to a number of reasons. For starters, they are quite cost effective. These keypads do not attract dust or liquids as compared to other keypads. If you approach a keypad manufacturer, you can have your own custom keypads designed for you.

Because of their resistance to dust and liquids these types of keypads are used in various applications. You will find membrane keypads in calculators, microwaves as well as in remote controls. Since most of these appliances have text and graphics on the surface, light emitting diode technology is used to provide backlighting. The technology for designing membrane switches can also be used to make polyester switches.

There are a number of places where you can find these switches. The best place to start is by going through a list of membrane switch manufacturers online. There are so many websites that deal with such products.

Before placing an order, you have to find out more about the manufacturer. Find out if the manufacturer provides other services like equipment labeling. You must also find out if the manufacturer you are dealing with is ISO certified. This is the only way you will be assured of getting high quality membrane-switches. The best place to buy these switches is from a manufacturer with a high level of experience in their production. Look for people who have been in this industry for a long time and are capable of coming up with the right prototypes within a short period of time.

After deciding on the manufacturer, you can go ahead and start informing them about your requirements. This is the only way they will produce the right membrane switches for your application. Membrane switches are generally inexpensive. If you do your research well, you will find manufacturers who produce quality products at reasonable prices.

However, be very careful of the person you entrust this kind of product to. With the advancement in home appliances and automotive controls, membrane technology has become much better. Find out about the manufacturers who utilize state of the art technology to increase speed and enhance the quality of their products. This is the only sure way that you will get the best membrane switches for your equipment.

source: Articles Rank- Premium Article Directory




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