VIP Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    • Golden
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    • 氣動手工具

Golden Suppliers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    • Golden
    • Video
    1.鑽石與氮化硼砂輪 2.鑽石銼刀和鑽石磨棒 3.鑽石與氮化硼內孔磨棒 4.鑽石膏和鑽石微粉 5.鑽石紗布和鑽石油石 6.鑽石修刀 7.鑽石、氮化硼車刀、耐磨耗零件 8.鑽石劃線刀 9.石工及建築工程用鑽石工具 10.超音波振動研磨機 11.電動工具研磨拋光用 12.氣動刻磨機 13.氣動往覆式剉磨機 14.陶瓷纖維油石 15.超級鑽石、氮化硼纖維油石 16.拋光用羊毛輪、棕刷、木條 17.帶柄砂輪、牛皮及海棉砂輪、油石
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    • Golden
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    • Golden
    • Video
    油霧回收機、油霧回收空氣清淨機、煙塵淨化機、AI 數位智能裝置、切削油過濾淨化機、油水分離機、多功能吸屑過濾機

Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    各種機械工具、氣動工具、電動工具、汽車修護工具及手工具- 氣門挺桿、棘輪套筒扳手、扭力扳手、磁力起子、鑿子、打釘槍、打糊槍(膠槍)、剝線鉗、壓著工具、電纜壓線鉗、衝擊扳鉗、氣動套筒等。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    同超塑膠可提供一系列塑膠 PVC 管,例如 : 空壓管、排水管、吸塵管、風管、高壓管、噴農藥管、透明管、水泵用管、夾紗管、空調用管、花園軟管、沙泥管等
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    氣動工具, 氣動研磨機, 氣動刻磨機, 氣動切斷機, 氣動除膠機, 氣動砂輪機, 吸塵器, 工業吸塵器
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    扳手製造商,扳手供應商,工業工作台製造商,氣動工具供應商,氣動工具製造商,汽車工具供應商,汽車維修工具供應商,套筒組供應商,套筒組製造商,衝擊扳手供應商,氣動衝擊扳手製造商,工具手推車製造商, 棘輪手柄製造商,內軸承拉拔器供應商,軸承拉拔器製造商

Standard Suppliers

  • 綸研國際貿易有限公司

    主要產品類別: ‧手動壓著鉗 ‧手動電纜剪 ‧油壓壓著鉗 ‧油壓電纜剪 ‧油壓電動幫浦 ‧油壓沖孔機 ‧引擎油壓幫浦 ‧充電式油壓壓著鉗 ‧充電式油壓電纜剪 ‧電線電纜剝皮鉗 ‧導線器
  • 苏州恒丰进出口有限公司

    1. 交通工具及部件 2. 家用电器 3. 医疗及实验室用品 4. 体育休闲及户外用品 5. 玩具类 6. 日用百货 7. 纺织服装 8. 五金工具机械类 9. 园林工具及用品 10. 电子电气产品 11. 建筑材料 12. 食品类
  • 浙江荣鹏气动工具有限公司

  • 宁波黄泰实业有限公司

  • 台靈實業股份有限公司 (得可工業有限公司)

  • 永康市驰宇汽保工具有限公司

  • 江苏国泰国际集团华泰进出口有限公司

    各種手工具及五金 - ( 1 )鉗子,鉗子comblination ,平面及圓鼻鉗,的生產銷售廠家剪斷鉗,水泵鉗,剝線鉗,頭立銑刀,重型端銑刀,電源側刀,斜刀。 ( 2 )扳手和扳手,兩用扳手,活動扳手,一套扳手,棘輪手柄,棘輪扳手一套,輪胎扳手,內六角扳手套件。 ( 3 )空氣手動工具,氣動和棘輪扳手,氣砂輪機,氣動刻磨機,氣動錘,氣鑽,氣snaders ,空中軌道打磨機,空氣剪,氣動噴槍,釘槍, PVC和PU空氣軟管。 ( 4 )錘和斧 - 機械師的錘子,錘,羊角錘,用石頭打錘,槌,橡膠錘,多功能斧,劈mauls 。 ( 5 )螺絲刀和位,螺絲刀,起子套,鑽套組,汽車電路測試儀。 ( 6 )刀具地面麻花鑽,看到了與木鑽套,錘鑿,金剛石切割片,圓形尖鋸片,電源盲目鉚工,鋼鋸架,應對鋸。 ( 7 )夾具,木工夾具,木工夾具,角向磨光機支持。 ( 8 )刀和鎖 - 多用途刀,美工刀,旋轉刀。 ( 9 )測量工具,捲尺,玻璃纖維點擊測量,游標卡尺,彈簧及數碼口袋結餘,外徑千分尺,塞尺,激光和數字化水平,數字萬用表,電壓檢測,金屬,電壓和SUTD探測器。 ( 10 )工程建設工具,嵌縫槍,重型填縫槍,專業手動矽填縫槍,斜切鋸,瓷磚切割機,工作長凳。 ( 11 )園林工具,園林修枝剪,整籬剪,修枝鋸,除草叉,手鏝刀和除草機,鏟子,園藝工具集。 ( 12 )汽車配件 - 剪式千斤頂,千斤頂,手搖絞車,空氣壓縮機,腳踏泵,增壓泵線,箱包線。 ( 13 )固定及起重工具,釘槍,電動噴漆槍,空氣槍,熱膠槍,膠棒設置,黃油槍,手動液壓搬運車,吸凹車夫。 ( 14 )安全工具 - 氯丁橡膠手套,防塵口罩,眼鏡安規及護目鏡,安規安全帽和頭盔,耳罩,聽力保護。 ( 15 )燈,手電筒,野營燈,鹵素燈,射燈, LED手電筒。 ( 16 )插座,插座扳手,套筒與位集。 ( 17 )其他工具 - 鐵氟龍膠帶,放大鏡,鋼鑿套,拿起工具,工具箱及櫃。...
  • 鑽全實業股份有限公司

  • 青岛德隆宏基机械进出口有限公司

    木工机械、板式加工机床、实木加工机床、金属加工机床、封边机类、贴面机类 、刨床类、锯床类、砂光类、钻铣床类、拼木类、集尘器、金属带锯、刃磨机械。
  • 宁波汉嘉进出口有限公司

What are Air Power Tools?

Air power tools represent one part of the hand-and-power-tool market, and will contribute to a forecast 3.3 percent annual growth in demand for power tools through 2012, according to the Freedonia Group, an international business research company. Pneumatic power tools require air for power. In most cases, air compressors generate the pressurized air they use. They are light, have very few moving parts and are low maintenance.


Air power tools are used in the construction, aircraft, automobile and other fabrication, manufacturing and repair industries. Construction uses caulking guns, nail guns, sanders, staplers, rotary hammers, jack hammers and texture guns. The automotive repair industry uses pneumatic wrenches and cutters, while the manufacturing and fabrication sectors rely on pneumatic shears, wrenches, hammers, sprayers, sand blasters and drills.

Some air tools are especially well designed for portability. For example, some nail guns and other fastening pneumatic tools run from a small canister of compressed air. Others are hybrids that use batteries and liquefied petroleum gas in a canister to operate.


Air power tools that attach to air compressors require compressors that deliver a specified minimum amount of air pressure and volume. Check the tool’s instructions to find out its air needs before buying a compressor to run it. Besides a compressor, air tools also need hoses to deliver the air. The hoses have coupling fittings on each end so they can be connected and disconnected without having to turn off the compressor, or bleed the air from the lines. Use a coupling fitting to connect two hoses together to get more length, although the longer the hose the more volume and pressure is lost to friction. The maximum length of the hose you can use will depend on the power of the compressor and hose sizes. Hybrid air tools that use canned air or compressed gas and batteries require those accessories to function. All air tools need to be cleaned and oiled, so accessories for those purposes are also required.

source: Discover the expert in you.




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