A centrifugal blower fan is a mechanical device for moving air or gases. It has a fan wheel composed of a number of fan blades, or ribs, mounted around a hub. The hub turns on a driveshaft that passes through the fan housing. The gas enters from the side of the fan wheel, turns 90 degrees and accelerates due to centrifugal force as it flows over the fan blades and exits the fan housing. Centrifugal fans can generate pressure rises in the gas stream. Accordingly, they are well-suited for industrial processes and air pollution control systems. They are also common in central heating/cooling systems. B2BManufactures.Com contains all Information about Centrifugal Blower manufacturers, suppliers & exporters from China and Taiwan. Global buyers could view company profiles, product images & specifications, product categories, company videos of these centrifugal blower fans manufacturers online.
source: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia