Golden Suppliers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    • Golden
    光電、半導體類用電熱管、真空科技、晶圓廠用電熱管、電鍍及化工類用液體浸沒式電熱管、橡塑膠機械及熱澆道用電熱管、熱電偶、可依客戶需求製作及設計各式電熱管、加熱元件等、本公司皆可製造扁管、方管、圓管等加熱元件。 應用範圍廣泛,包含: 橡塑膠產業、半導體產業、工業加工類(發電廠、氣化業、管路工程類、石化業、化工業、製藥業)、包裝產業、食品工業、生活科學、航太工業等。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    • Golden
    閥體, 電子控制, 遙控器, 母火組, 太陽爐(無煙高溫烤爐), 熱水器, 油煙清淨機, 旋風爐, 關隆股份有限公司

Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    我們正在開發一個全面的創新產品和服務網絡。我們正在不斷擴大我們的範圍為人們研究的生命科學學科提供有效的儀器。 1. 養殖 : 細胞培養,發酵工程 2. 電泳 : 核酸和蛋白質的分離設備 3. 成像 : 凝膠成像系統和量化軟件 4. 加熱模塊 : 酶促反應和溫度控制用軟件,遠程控制和實時記錄 5. 搖床 : 2D和3D與混合工具 6. 攪拌水浴槽 : 水浴攪拌和混合機制,遠程控制和實時記錄 7. 蠕動泵 : 各種蠕動泵
Information of Gas Water Heaters

The gas water heating is a thermodynamic process using an energy ( gas) to heat water above its initial temperature. Typical domestic uses of hot water are for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space heating. In industry, both hot water and water heated to steam have many uses. In the United States and most European countries, Natural gas water heaters are most popular, since the gas is often conveniently piped throughout cities and towns and currently is the cheapest to use. B2BManufactures.Com, the most comprehensive Manufacturers Directory from Taiwan and China, offer a listings of Gas Water Heater Manufacturers & suppliers with explicit company profiles, product categories & product images. Global buyers could send inquires online.

source: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia




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