Golden Suppliers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturer & Supplier )
    • Golden
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Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturer & Supplier )
    工業用品- (1)矽膠押出製品- 矽膠押出管、D型矽膠條、袖子型矽膠條、醫療管、矽膠薄片、油封、矽膠實心條、e型矽膠條、p型矽膠條、U型矽膠條、燈泡型密封條、唇型密封條、中空矽膠管、矽膠導電線、矽膠海綿條、矽膠連接條。 (2)高溫電線- 高壓電線、矽膠電線、抗油電線。 (3)橡膠押出製品- 油封墊、橡膠油封、低成本總體押出製品、抗油和防燃橡膠管、三元子丙橡膠(EPDM)發泡製品、熱塑性橡膠、聚氯乙烯(PVC)押出製品。 (4)客戶訂製品- 矽膠系列、連接系列、壓鑄系列、注射成型系列、液體硅橡膠(LSR)系列、事務機器用滾筒。 翔煒橡膠能為您客製化、OEM、ODM、規格品等大量或小量生產。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    TPO,TPU,TPV主機, 單螺桿, 雙螺桿,PP,PE,ABS,PC,3D列印,押出機, 異型用, 管用押出生產線, 模頭, 成型模, 成型水槽, 引取機, 切斷機, 卸料架, 塑窗用切斷機, 輕型至重型門窗生產線, PVC管設備, 押出機, 押出設備, 真空水槽, 成型水槽, 異型水槽, PVC管放口機, PVC管擴管機, 押出設備, 後段設備, 水槽, 引取機, 牽引機, 引取設備, 切斷機, 皮帶式引取機, 鋸台, 圓繞式鋸台, 捲管機, 捲管設備

Standard Suppliers

  • 三益海棠股份有限公司

    3D列印機, 快速成型機, 3D Printer, 3D Printing, 3D印表機, 3D掃描器, SLA 3D, FDM 3D, Three D Printer, Three D Printing, Rapid Prototyping, RP, 3D列印機材料, 3D打印耗材, PLA(聚乳酸)線材, ABS線材, 等
  • 皮托科技股份有限公司

    1. 電腦輔助工程: COMSOL Multiphysics 多重物理量耦合模擬、PDE 有限元素分析、熱分析、LED模擬、電力電子控制系統模擬、機構分析模擬、可視化後處理分析、系統元件分析、公差分析、醫學工程影像轉換分析…等 2. 3D列印 3D Printer: 創意成型系統、Mcor、bq witbox 3D Printer 、組裝3D Printer、光固化 3D Printer、金屬、熱燒結…等。 3. 3D掃瞄/逆向工程系統: David Laser 雷射/光柵系統/ViALUX 3D掃瞄系統/Sense 3D Scanner/3D Flash掃描系統/NextEngine 雷射式/快速3D照相系統/4DDynamics 光柵系統。 4. 管理科學: FLEXSIM、e-learning、 軟體工程、資管專業軟體、決策分析、Data mining 資料採礦、人工智慧、金融財務、數學統計、作業研究、可靠度工程Triz、系統模擬、生物醫學…等 5. 數位互動科技: 動作分析、虛擬實境展示平台、3D投影系統、3D Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality/ Mixed Reality 設計開發軟體、動畫及多媒體編輯軟體…等 6. 人因工程與生醫: 行為觀察實驗室、情緒分析實驗室、壓力量測系統、行動式眼動儀、駕駛模擬訓練機、認知反應實驗分析系統、生醫運動力學軟體、腳壓量測分析系統、人體姿態傷害評估軟體…等。 7. 網路通訊機器人: 3G通訊系統模擬、網路效能評估、嵌入式通信協定、DSP數位信號處理、通訊電磁電波分析軟體、Bluetooth 開發系統….等 8. 教育研究: 控制及機電整合研究設備、光電、機械、流固力、結構、熱傳、振動、冷凍空調研究設備、PIV流場量測設備、各種感測儀器、汽車系統教學設備…等
  • 茂太科技股份有限公司

    2D & 3D電子產品雷射加工、金屬、壓克力 ;矽砂3D列印製造設備及分條設備
  • 通業技研股份有限公司

    1. Stratasys 3D列印/RT快速模具: 3D列印材料、3D列印機台、FDM技術(熱熔擠製成型) 2. 3D掃描量測系統/逆向、檢測軟體: Artec 手持攝影式掃描、Breuckmann3D光學掃描、CIMCORE3D 量測手臂、Scanworks3D雷射掃描、Geomagic 逆向設計檢測 3. CATIA 3D CAD CAM 4. Shoemagic鞋業專區: ShoeMagic Sole 系列鞋底模級放
  • 寶聯通綠能科技股份有限公司

    1. LED燈: LED Par燈、LED T5串接燈、LED T8燈管、LED 智慧檯燈、無段式調光LED球泡燈、RGB崁燈、超廣角LED節能燈泡、LED 光學膜、LED 平板燈、LED藍芽4.0球泡燈等。 2. 3D Printer: 3D列印機、ABS/PLA線材、代工列印。 3. RFID: 車警示RFID 天線、主動式讀取器、主動式定位器、電子標籤、遠紅外線定位器、手持式RFID電子巡檢機、高頻讀卡模組與讀卡機、UHF(超高頻)天線等。 4. 太陽能光電系統及設備、太陽能發電系統。 5. 多媒體產品…等
  • 吴江中瑞机电科技有限公司

    三维制造和三维打印机系统- 光固化 3D打印机、粉末烧结 3D打印机、熔融成型3D打印机、蓝宝石3D打印机、琥珀3D打印机
  • 文搏智能科技有限公司

  • 绍兴必搏自动化设备有限公司

  • Guangzhou Sunruy Technologies

    China 3D Printing machines & materials manufacturer- FDM 3D printer, SLA 3D printers, BIO-3D printer, 3D scanner, PLA filament, ABS filaments, PVA filament, HIPS filament, PETG filament, Photosensitive resin, Flex filaments, PC filament, etc.
What is 3D printing?

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the entire object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object.

How does 3D printing work?

It all starts with making a virtual design of the object you want to create. This virtual design is made in a CAD (Computer Aided Design) file using a 3D modeling program (for the creation of a totally new object) or with the use of a 3D scanner (to copy an existing object). A 3D scanner makes a 3D digital copy of an object.

3d scanners use different technologies to generate a 3d model such as time-of-flight, structured / modulated light, volumetric scanning and many more.

Recently, many IT companies like Microsoft and Google enabled their hardware to perform 3d scanning, a great example is Microsoft’s Kinect. This is a clear sign that future hand-held devices like smartphones will have integrated 3d scanners. Digitizing real objects into 3d models will become as easy as taking a picture. Prices of 3d scanners range from very expensive professional industrial devices to 30 USD DIY devices anyone can make at home.

To prepare a digital file for printing, the 3D modeling software “slices” the final model into hundreds or thousands of horizontal layers. When the sliced file is uploaded in a 3D printer, the object can be created layer by layer. The 3D printer reads every slice (or 2D image) and creates the object, blending each layer with hardly any visible sign of the layers, with as a result the three dimensional object.

Examples & applications of 3D printing

Applications include rapid prototyping, architectural scale models & maquettes, healthcare (3d printed prosthetics and printing with human tissue) and entertainment (e.g. film props).

Other examples of 3D printing would include reconstructing fossils in paleontology, replicating ancient artifacts in archaeology, reconstructing bones and body parts in forensic pathology and reconstructing heavily damaged evidence acquired from crime scene investigations.

3D printing industry

The worldwide 3D printing industry is expected to grow from $3.07B in revenue in 2013 to $12.8B by 2018, and exceed $21B in worldwide revenue by 2020. As it evolves, 3D printing technology is destined to transform almost every major industry and change the way we live, work, and play in the future.

Medical industry

The outlook for medical use of 3D printing is evolving at an extremely rapid pace as specialists are beginning to utilize 3D printing in more advanced ways. Patients around the world are experiencing improved quality of care through 3D printed implants and prosthetics never before seen.


As of the early two-thousands 3D printing technology has been studied by biotech firms and academia for possible use in tissue engineering applications where organs and body parts are built using inkjet techniques. Layers of living cells are deposited onto a gel medium and slowly built up to form three dimensional structures.

Aerospace & aviation industries

The growth in utilisation of 3D printing in the aerospace and aviation industries can, for a large part, be derived from the developments in the metal additive manufacturing sector.

NASA for instance prints combustion chamber liners using selective laser melting and as of march 2015 the FAA cleared GE Aviation’s first 3D printed jet engine part to fly: a laser sintered housing for a compressor inlet temperature sensor.

Automotive industry

Although the automotive industry was among the earliest adopters of 3D printing it has for decades relegated 3d printing technology to low volume prototyping applications. Nowadays the use of 3D printing in automotive is evolving from relatively simple concept models for fit and finish checks and design verification, to functional parts that are used in test vehicles, engines, and platforms. The expectations are that 3D printing in the automotive industry will generate a combined $1.1 billion dollars by 2019.

Industrial printing

In the last couple of years the term 3D printing has become more known and the technology has reached a broader public. Still, most people haven’t even heard of the term while the technology has been in use for decades. Especially manufacturers have long used these printers in their design process to create prototypes for traditional manufacturing and research purposes. Using 3D printers for these purposes is called rapid prototyping.

Why use 3D printers in this process you might ask yourself. Now, fast 3D printers can be bought for tens of thousands of dollars and end up saving the companies many times that amount of money in the prototyping process. For example, Nike uses 3D printers to create multi-colored prototypes of shoes. They used to spend thousands of dollars on a prototype and wait weeks for it. Now, the cost is only in the hundreds of dollars, and changes can be made instantly on the computer and the prototype reprinted on the same day.

Besides rapid prototyping, 3D printing is also used for rapid manufacturing. Rapid manufacturing is a new method of manufacturing where companies are using 3D printers for short run custom manufacturing. In this way of manufacturing the printed objects are not prototypes but the actual end user product. Here you can expect more availability of personally customized products.

Personal printing

Personal 3D printing or domestic 3D printing is mainly for hobbyists and enthusiasts and really started growing in 2011. Because of rapid development within this new market printers are getting cheaper and cheaper, with prices typically in the range of $250 – $2,500. This puts 3D printers into more and more hands.

The RepRap open source project really ignited this hobbyist market. For about a thousand dollars people could buy the RepRap kit and assemble their own desktop 3D printer. Everybody working on the RepRap shares their knowledge so other people can use it and improve it again.


It is predicted by some additive manufacturing advocates that this technological development will change the nature of commerce, because end users will be able to do much of their own manufacturing rather than engaging in trade to buy products from other people and corporations.

3D printers capable of outputting in colour and multiple materials already exist and will continue to improve to a point where functional products will be able to be output. With effects on energy use, waste reduction, customization, product availability, medicine, art, construction and sciences, 3D printing will change the manufacturing world as we know it.





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