Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    玻璃切割、玻璃研磨、玻璃拋光、玻璃鏡片真空鍍膜、鏡片滾圓加工、鏡片蕊取加工、玻璃切邊、玻璃異型成型、鍍膜傘架製造、陶瓷精密加工、金屬精密加工、燈杯加工、射出成型模仁加工、光學設計、公差分析、光學元件製圖、模具製造、鏡片研磨、鏡片拋光、鏡頭性能檢測、鏡頭組裝、系統光路調教測試…等項目,本公司除加工項目外亦可提供整廠輸出、技術輔導、技術轉移、加工設備設計規劃…等服務。 1. 透鏡:平凸透鏡、雙凸透鏡、平凹透鏡、雙凹透鏡、彎月透鏡、紅外光透鏡、紫外光透鏡、非球面透鏡、消色差透鏡、柱面鏡、球透鏡、聚光透鏡、菲涅爾透鏡、陣列透鏡、蒼蠅眼透鏡、微小透鏡、客製化透鏡。 2. 反射鏡:平面反射鏡、凸面反射鏡(擴散反射鏡)、凹面反射鏡(聚焦反射鏡)、紅外光反射鏡、紫外光反射鏡、冷光反射鏡、金屬反射鏡、非球面反射鏡、雷射光反射鏡、金屬膜反射鏡、介電質反射鏡、客製化反射鏡。 3. 分光鏡:立體分光鏡、雷射線分光鏡、偏極分光鏡、非偏極分光鏡、平板型分光鏡、長條型分光鏡、客製化分光鏡。 4. 濾光鏡:帶通濾光片、長波通濾光片、短波通濾光片、低通濾光片、陷波濾光鏡、彩色濾光鏡、中性密度濾光鏡、影像濾光鏡、客製化濾光鏡、吸收型濾光片。 5. 稜鏡:散射稜鏡、直角稜鏡、五稜鏡、圖像旋轉稜鏡、導光管、回射鏡、客製化稜鏡。 6. 窗鏡:標準板、雷射光窗鏡、紫外光窗鏡、紅外光窗鏡、可見光窗鏡、擴散片、客製化窗鏡。 7. 基板:BK7基板、B270基板、F7基板、WMS02基板、WMS13 基板、WMS14基板、白板、石英、青板、耐熱玻璃、Fused Silica、ZnSe、Sapphire、CaF2、Ge、Pyrex、Si、Borofloat基板。 8. 其他產品:雙光源聚倍型太陽光模擬器、太陽能發電模組雷射平行光對位鏡頭、強光燈、UV紫外光LED非球面鏡頭、PBC曝光機光學元件、TFT LCD...
What is Optics Filters?

Optical filters, generally, belong to one of two categories. The simplest, physically, is the absorptive filter, while the latter category, that of interference or dichroic filters, can be quite complex. Optics filters selectively transmits light having certain properties (often, a particular range of wavelengths, that is, range of colours of light), while blocking the remainder. They are commonly used in photography, in many optical instruments, and to colour stage lighting. In astronomy, optical filters can be used to eliminate light from the Sun or from a star much brighter than the target object. Even seeing Mercury can necessitate using optical filters from extreme northern latitudes like Scandinavia or Alaska where the sky is invariably bright whenever the planet is above the horizon due to the low angle at far elongations. Access Optical Filters made in Taiwan & China. Information on company profile, product categories & images of Optical Filters manufacturers & suppliers from Taiwan & China available online on

source: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia





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