Golden Suppliers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    • Golden
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    • Golden
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    • Golden
    五金產品、閥、球閥- 各式球閥、凡而、管子、不銹鋼、銅管。

Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    (1)青銅及黃銅閥- 青銅閘閥、青銅旋啟式止回閥、青銅升降式止回閥、Y型旋啟式止回閥、底閥、青銅球型閥、球閥。 (2)鑄鐵及球墨鑄鐵閥- 鑄鐵閘閥、鑄鐵鑄鐵閥、鑄鐵旋啟式止回閥、鑄鐵底閥、鑄鐵蝶閥、球墨鑄鐵閘閥、球墨鑄鐵旋啟式止回閥、球墨鑄鐵升降式止回閥、球墨鑄鐵球型閥。 (3)不銹鋼閥- 不銹鋼閘閥、不銹鋼Y型閥、不銹鋼蝶閥、不銹鋼球型閥。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    各式不鏽鋼配管配件- (1)管件- 彎管、快速接頭、衛浴配件、管夾、三夾鉗、卡環、脫蠟鑄造、ISO-KF 真空零配件、工業用管接頭配件、半導體用管件、BPE生技醫藥管配件、對焊無縫管件、碳鋼管件。 (2) 閥- 球閥、三通閥、四通閥、Y型閥、安全閥、蝶閥、控制閥、針型閥、多路閥、真空球閥、衛生級球閥、不銹鋼閥、閘閥、止回閥、鍛造閥、洩壓閥、閥門驅動裝置、閥體。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    粉粒體專用三通分岐閥、閘刀閥、控制閥、閘閥、球型閥、逆止閥、過濾器、Y型球型閥、夾式止回閥、汽缸、制水閥門、球塞閥、夾套閥。 產品材質:鑄鋼、不銹鋼、合金鋼 應用規格/壓力等級:ANSI 150#~300# JIS 5K~20K DIN PN10~PN40 適用產業:石化工業、煉油廠、造紙廠、食品加工業、製藥業、水處理廠、環保工程、建築業...等其他工業
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    • 單片式球閥 • 雙片式球閥 • 三片式球閥 • 執行器 • 蝶閥 • 法蘭球閥 • 閘閥/截止閥/止回閥 • 高純度閥 • 多通道球閥 • 特殊閥
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    1. 一片式,二片式,三片式球閥 2. 防火法蘭球閥 3. 三通球閥 4. 針閥 5. Y型過濾器 6. 直接安裝汽缸球閥 7. 一片式薄餅球閥 8. 閘閥 9. 逆止閥 10. 球塞閥 11. 簡易型平台球閥 12. 螺絲型全包式球閥 13. 各種球閥相關零件
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    生產空油壓銅接頭、鐵接頭、考克、球塞凡而、閥類、閘門凡而、針型閥、水面凡而(玻璃凡而)、碳鋼、不銹鋼電焊管件、碳 鋼、鍛鋼、不銹鋼法蘭、管件管夾類、消防用配件等產品,還可為客戶廠商OEM生產

Standard Suppliers

How Do Gate Valves Work?

You are not the only one who has wondered how gate valves work. They are commonly used, so it should be commonly known how they work right? Below you will find some interesting information on exactly how they do work.


A gate valve is a valve used to start and stop the flow of liquid.

How it Works

A gate valve is usually operated by a handle. Once the handle is turned it opens a "gate" so the flow of liquid can pass through freely, and the opposite. Take your sink faucet for example, turning it one way opens the gate, and allows water to pass through freely. Turn it the other way, and it closes the gate, restricting the water from flowing.

What They Aren't

Gate valves are most commonly used when minimal restriction is needed. They are designed to be fully open or closed, and are not recommended to regulate the flow of liquid. Using it for "throttling" causes strain on the gate and eventually will damage it.

Which One to Choose

Deciding which valve to use is a decision based on what you know about each one. Just keep in mind the above information when choosing one, and your decision making process should go just fine.





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