Elektronické součástky CZ, a.s was established in the year 1992 as an independent company, operating solely with private capital, without any participation of the State. We follow up the tradition in manufacturing of passive electronic and electromechanical components of Tesla works. More than 50 % of our production we export, predominately into Germany and USA.
We produce and supply electronic components not only in accordance with our catalogue, but even in accordance with individual specification of our clients. The target of our daily work is to comply the claims of the customers with the all standard components, but also with customer specified components, made in accordance to customer order as well.
Since the beginning of 2001 we continue as joint - stock company Electronic components CZ. Electronic components CZ, is 100% owner of Electronic components Ostrava, Ltd.
The MOTTO of our company and philosophy is the highest quality, short delivery time and good prices, which we bring to our clients. Satisfied cutomer is the most important at all.
1. Metallized polyester film capacitors
2. Metallized polypropylene film capacitors
3. Pulse capacitors
4. Power Capacitors for High frequency induction heating
5. High voltage capacitors
6. Motor capacitors
7. Radiointerference suppression capacitors and RC - components
8. Delta RFI capacitor
9. Suppression bushing capacitors
10. Radio interference suppression chockes
11. Interference suppression filters
12. Custom designed types
13. Potentiometers
14. Trimming potentiometers