Noveltek Industrial Manufacturing Inc.

Manufacturer of Pallet Truck and Electric Forklift Truck

Press Releases

展覽名稱:2025台南自動化機械暨智慧製造展 (台南機械展)
2025Tainan Automatic Machinery & Intelligent Manufacturing Show (2025 CTMS Tainan)


10:00~17:00 (4/28於16:00閉展)


大臺南會展中心 (ICC TAINAN) 台南高鐵站/台鐵沙崙站旁步行3-5分鐘


旺旺中時媒體集團 工商時報



2025 TIMTOS全球指標智慧製造暨工具機展,恆智重機與您相約在台北國際展覽館。


展覽日期:2025/03/03~03/08(星期一~星期六),10:00 ~17:30。
展覽地址 : 台北市信義區信義路五段5號
恆智攤位 : D0821 (創新應用解決方案區)


Please be advised that due to Corona Virus, 2020 Tainan Automatic Machinery & Intelligent Manufacturing Show is postponed to

July 2nd - July 6th. 2020

Exhibit time: 10:00-17:00 daily (Close at 16:30 on lastday)

Vanue: Commercial Exhibition Center Taiwan

Add.: No.7, Yilin Rd. Rende Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan.

Booth: A354

Look forward to your visit in due course.

If any change will keep you posted.

Pallet Truck Company- NOVELTEK launched unmanned track-guided automated Guided Vehicle was introduced to Europe. Since its establishment in 1990, the company has produced various types of electric logistics, warehousing and transportation equipment for 29 years, and can produce special specifications for material handling and stacking equipment for customers. They are branded under the NOVELTEK brand and are sold in 38 countries around the world. They are made in Taiwan and become a major Japanese manufacturer and an OEM production factory for Taiwanese manufacturers. This time, the company selected the 2019 EMO in Hannover, Germany, and exhibited the “AI Unmanned Automated Guided Transport System”. By cohesiveness and constant challenge to stimulate creativity and move towards the international arena, it is looking forward to taking the lead in a highly competitive market.

NOVELTEK focuses on the promotion of the smart machinery industry, and has launched an unmanned magnetic track automatic guided carriage. The product can load 2,000Kg and 8,000Kg. With the magnetic strip guide, it can be transferred from the warehouse area through the automatic guiding system to and from the production line. With the convenience of system construction, the guided vehicle can travel to the desired position via the magnetic strip. The company’s RD team, which has continuous research and development and continuous innovation, adheres to the company’s philosophy and has obtained CE certification in the UK, which allows the logistics of the factory to be easily transported to achieve a mechanized way of automation, thereby accelerating the efficiency of handling.

In order to meet the needs of customers, the stand-up stacker with EPS electronic power steering has been launched. It has EPS electronic power steering and more flexible operation. When driving, the vehicle speed is automatically reduced by 50%, which improves safety. At the same time, NOVELTEK introduced a large-capacity 240AH/320AH battery model Walkie Counterbalanced Stacker, which is sufficient for 8 hours of operation, and is available in different types of refrigeration, container, and scale, depending on the needs of different industries. The company can plan service and material planning requirements for customers, and the full range of electric stackers all pass the CE “Regulations for Safety Inspection of Hazardous Machines and Equipment” of the Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan, and its safety is fully in line with industrial safety inspection.

Information Source: Commercial Times

Period:2014, July 31 (Tuesday) ~ August 3 (sunday)
     9:00am ~ 5:00pm  
Place:Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall 1 F
Booth: J505
Subject: Unmanned & Automatic Guide systemn

Welcome !

Period:2014, July 31 (Tuesday) ~ August 3 (sunday)
     9:00am ~ 5:00pm  
Place:Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall 1 F
Booth: J505
Subject: Unmanned & Automatic Guide systemn

Welcome !

Period:2014, July 31 (Tuesday) ~ August 3 (sunday)
     9:00am ~ 5:00pm  
Place:Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall 1 F
Booth: J505
Subject: Unmanned & Automatic Guide systemn

Welcome !

Noveltek Industrial Manufacturing Inc.

  • Taiwan
  • No. 16-1, Shui Liu Niang, Shui Yuan Li, Miaoli City, Miaoli County 360019, Taiwan
  • 886-3-7220741
  • 886-3-7226152