Manufacturer of computer ( PC) peripheral and accessories, including memory card adapters, telecom components,HDMI cables, cable assemblies, cable jumpers, USB devices, KVM switches, bluetooth dongles, DVB tuners, GPS anteenas, etc.
computer & PC peripheral & parts & accessory ( accessories)- (1) memory card adapters- CF-I PCMCIA, CF-II PCMCIA, 5 in 1 PCMCIA ( SM, SD, MMC, MS, MS pro), 5 in 1 PCMCIA adapters + USB reader supports ( SM, SD, MMC, MS, MS pro), MS duo to MS, RS MMC to RS MMC ( extenders), mini SD to SD, mini SD to micro SD to SD, micro MMC to MMC, mini SD to micro SD. (2) cable adapters- DVI to HDMI, HDMI to HDMI, DVB-T antennas, DVB-tuners. (3) KVM ( keyboard video mouse) switches- 4 & 2 ports. (4) flat cables- 1.27 x 1.27 pitches. (5) board to board connectors- 2.54 pitch, 2.0 pitch, 1.27 pitch, 0.8 pitch, 0.4 pitch. (6) memory cards connectors- CF male, MS, SM, SD ( mini SD), MMC, XD. (7) bluetooth ( blue tooth) USB dongles, 32 in 1 card reader + hub + bluetooth, bluetooth stereo headset, DVB T tuners & antennas, USB card readers, USB hubs & speakers, iPod nano & MP3 speakers, express card adapters, HDMI to DVI adapters, HDMI adapters.