1/3" Sony CCD IP camera with 470-TV-line resolution.
1. Built-in Web server. Embedded Linux OS.
2. Realtimeaudio and video signals transmission.
3. Supports pan/tilt/zoom protocols.
4. Image size on PC adjustable.
5. Digital sensor input/output available.
6. Motion direction alarm.
1. Image format: MPEG 4. 2. Resolution: D1/ CIF/ QCIF. 3. Audio format: A-LOW/U-LOW. 4. Protocol: TCP/ IP HTTP UDP/ IP PING ARP DHCP SMTP. 5. P/T/Z control: RS232/ RS485; PTZ control, GPTO (separate I/O); sensor input/active. 6. Frame rate: max. 30 frame/sec. per channel. 7. Power: DC12V/3.5W. 8. Built-in Web server. 9. Embedded Linux OS. 10. Realtime audio and video signals transmission. 11. Supports Pan/Tilt/Zoom protocols. 12. Image size on PC adjustable. 13. Digital sensor input/output available. 14. Motion detection alarm.