Manufacturer of earphones and headsets for MP3 & MP4 players, mobile phones, computers. And has adopted advanced managerial system and has passed ISO9001-2000 as well as ISO14001. All products are in conformance with RoHS and CE certificates are available. Also OEM and ODM are welcome.
computer peripherals, audio & video accessories, consumer electronic & telecommunication equipments- MP3 earphone, MP3 earphones, earphone, earphones, headset, headsets, headphones, phone headsets, mobile ( cell phone) & telephone headsets, radio earphones, radio headsets, ear phones, headset ( headphone ) microphones, computer ( PC) headsets & headphones ( head phones), MP3 earphones, MP4 & MP3 headsets, MP4 earphones, skype headsets, wired headsets & earphones, blue tooth headsets, wireless headsets, aviation headsets, ipod earphone, headphone, wireless headphones, ear hooks.