Company Profile:
Kao Kuen, a professional manufacturer of core shooting and shell molding machine, has built up a solid knowledge and experience in making the most effective, economic and durable machines for the past 30 years. In modern foundry industry, core making has become one of the key elements in successful casting process. We have come out to provide the industry the most needed equipment and have made core making process accurate and fast by its machines with following special features; fast heating, short curing time, hollow core making. You are so welcome to visit our website and leave your precious comments. We will have the reply and the best quality for all of our customers.
Kao Kuen Industrial Co., Ltd. is driven to satisfy our customers and provide the best quality at this highly competitive society.
Manufacturer of industry molding machines, machinery equipments, industrial core making machines, core shooting machines, shell moulding & core blowing machines, cold resin sand core making machines, modular core making machine, industrial core making machines, heating core mouldings, foundry planets, modular core making machines, blow mold machines, metal molding machine.