G.T. Internet Information Co., Ltd.

Tel:886-4-22966999       Fax:886-4-22960605
Address:17F., No. 241, Sec. 3, Wunsin Rd., Situn Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan


We are seeking agents in U.S.A. West Europe to promote our products and service in their regions. Agents need to be responsible, motivated and have a good sales network.

Agents Qualification

Agents need to be responsible, motivated and have a good sales network.

Agents Required for the following Countries

U.S.A. and West Europe.

G.T. Internet Information Co., Ltd.

  • Taiwan
  • 17F., No. 241, Sec. 3, Wunsin Rd., Situn Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan
  • 886-4-22966999
  • 886-4-22960605
  • Offline