XM-22R4F is a 4 fiber port 100Mbps Ethernet test module to optimize in Ethernet testing environment and devices.
1. Interface: (1) WCO: 155Mbps Bi-direction SC receptacle single fiber transceiver, Tx1550, Rx1310. (2) WCP: 155Mbps Bi-direction SC receptacle single fiber transceiver, Tx1310, Rx1550. (3) SFP: User-selectable 100 base-FX SFP transceiver. (4) SFF: 100Base-FX fiber transceiver in 2x5 package style. 2. Port Density: 4. 3. Speed and Mode: 100Mbps Fiber. 4. CPU: MPC852T. 5. Preamble: 4 ~ 16 Bytes. 6. Frame length(w/o VLAN Tag): 48 ~ 2036 bytes fixed / increase / Random / loop / decrease. 7. Data field: system defined/User defined/Random. 8. Inter frame Gap: fixed /Random. 100 Mbps: 480 ns ~ 2 sec. 9. Data Integrity / Sequence: Yes. 10. Source/Destination MAC Address: Fixed / Increase / Decrease / Random. Variable fields can be set depends on UI, max length of each field is 32-bit. 11. Source/Destination IP Address: Fixed / Increase / Decrease / Random. 12. IP/TCP generation/Analysis: Hardware. 13. VLAN(VLAN ID/COS Field): (VLAN ID / COS Field): Fixed / Increase / Decrease / Random. 14. MPLS(Label/COS/TTL firld): (label / COS / TTL field): fixed / increase / decrease / random (No. of labels not limited). 15. Flow control: default as reception. 16. Capture buffer size: 8MB per port, (up to 64k frames). 17. Capture mode: event. 18. Capture event: all condition, CRC error, DI error, serial No. Error, alignment error, IP checksum error, trigger 1 ~ 8, Trigger Logic, any defined packet size. 19. QoS testing: 8 priority queues. 20. Line performance: wirespeed.
1. XM-22R4F:
(1) 4 Fiber port 100Mbps Ethernet test module.
(2) WDM, SFP(Mini GBIC),and SFF(customized) interfaces.
2. Traffic Generation and Analysis:
(1) Wirespeed generation/ analysis of Ethernet traffic.
(2) Self-defined packet generation.
(3) Single/ burst/ multi-burst/ continuous packet generation.
(4) Packet- generation protocols are IP, UDP, IPX, TCP, IGMP, MPLS, VLAN, OSPF and user-defined protocols.
3. Capture Capabilities:
(1) Buffer size: 8MB per port (up to 104K frames).
(2) Fully protocol decode suite supported by NuWindow.
(3) Capture triggers: 8 per port with supportive logic operation.
4. Useful counters include user trigger, standard RMON, and others.
5. Appendage X-trailer to verify data integrity.
6. Various protocol responses such as ARP and Ping.
7. BERT to assure transmission quality.